
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

As Meg Rice, my brilliant and wonderful Bible teacher, shared with us today — here is the perfect definition of faith.

Hebrews 11 goes on the list the Hall of Faith. Each of these men and women walked the journey of faith without seeing the full picture of God’s plan.

Like them, we are called on our own faith journeys. As we have all experienced, the journey is filled with challenges and unexpected trials and tribulations. There are also many blessings and joys along the way plus the assurance of God’s eternal promises.

I want to be remembered like these people listed in Hebrews 11. I want to leave a legacy of building the Kingdom of God. That means walking in unchartered territory. For the past few weeks, I have read over and over again how it is the Lord who holds us, who carries us and will bring about the fullness of His plans.

Are we walking in faith with hope in the plans of our eternal and faithful God? Will we be commended as those in the Hall of Faith? My prayer is that God will give us His vision, His presence and His power to walk our journey of faith unto His glory and our joy.

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