Breath of Life

Tonight I sat with my 91 year old neighbor while she breathed her last breaths. I got to talk to her of God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness. A couple of days ago, I saw a vision of my sweet neighbor, whom I affectionately called my 4th child, dancing with Jesus — what a precious thing to share with her. It was the most glorious dance. She was beautiful; Jesus was dazzling; the ballroom was breathtaking. She was fully healed and whole in His presence.
Each and every day, we are invited into this dance with Jesus. It doesn’t have to be at our last breath. Having lost two people whom I dearly love in the past couple of weeks, I am reminded of how precious life is. We have to choose life each and every day. We have to choose to love even when it hurts; we have to choose to forgive even when it costs us something; we have to choose to pursue the dreams God has put on our hearts.
The temptation is to play it safe, but there is no abundant life in safe. Each of us will breath our last breath. What will we do between now and then?
“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life” (Job 33:4).
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