It’s All Good!

“It’s all good!” How many times have you heard that phrase or even spoken it yourself? Because I started to say this to myself this morning, I thought about what this cliche really means then couldn’t help but ask the question: is it really all good?

In just the past few months, we have seen numerous natural disasters; there have been terrorist attacks; cancer still reads havoc on people we love; and just this past Sunday, 20 people were killed in a shooting at church.
All is not good!

This cliche is used to protect us from our own pain or the pain we see around us. The truth in all the pain is that God is good. As I wrestled with having my world turned upside down in this move to Texas, God kept taking me back to Psalm 56. Verse 9 says: This I know, that God is for me.”

“All is not good”.  But, God is good, and God is for me. Let’s stop running from the pain and pretending that all is good and start pressing into the good God who will never leave us nor forsake us. In the pain, He can work good.

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