Open Arms

Psalm 32:3-4: “For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer.”

Since Adam and Eve, we have seen that sin makes people want to run and hide from God. We want to cover our sin and pretend that it is not there. God sees. We know what we have done. Denial does more harm than good as the weight of our sin and guilt can feel crushing to us.

Our merciful God offers us another way. His invitation is for us to confess our sins, to ask for forgiveness, and then to receive his grace. His forgiveness restores and heals us.

How do you deal with your sin? Do you run and hide and thus waste away under the burden of your sin, or do you move into the forgiveness of the Lord? No matter what you have done, the Lord is there with open arms ready to receive you, ready to forgive you, ready to heal you.

May we run into his arms of love this Lenten season! Oh God, give us grace to see our sin, the ability to confess it and turn from it, so that we can be set free to glorify you.  

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