Honor Your Body But Don’t Worship It

“Don’t worship food. Honor the body that God gave you by eating sensible portions of sensible food” (Food, Fitness and Faith).
Today, it seems we gravitate between two extremes — obsession with the body and the appearance of the body and a sense of detachment from the body, even to the point of neglect. God calls us to care for our bodies. That care is not idolatry nor is it denial.
Our bodies do not define us. God defines us. We are worthy and lovely just as we are because we are made in His image. I wonder if we were able to rest in God’s perfect love and acceptance of us if we might be motivated to make life giving changes. Little changes add up quickly, changes such as drinking enough water; eating more vegetables and fruits; and incorporating exercise.
Nothing is worthy of worship but God. What does it look like for your to worship Him alone then ask Him to guide you in caring for your body?

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