Discipline and Transformation

One of the great things about January is setting New Year’s Resolutions or goals for the year. Many of us talk about our words for the year. As I have posted previously, my word is Hope. One of my favorite friend’s word is Discipline. As I have thought about that, discipline is involved in all of our goals whether it is our word or not. It takes discipline to make changes and to follow through.
Paul speaks to the Corinthian church about discipline: “I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:27).
Discipline is not easy, yet it is essential to growth. I am learning it quite well in my 40 Day Yoga challenge at Big. There are days, actually many days, when yoga kicks my tail, and I want to give up. However, the discipline is to choose to stay in it and see what God has for me there. The wonderful news is that I have experienced amazing break throughs in this 40 Days! You can experience transformation too. Choose discipline today. Choose to get out of your comfort zone and experience growth. I have never heard anyone say growth was easy, but I have also never heard anyone say growth wasn’t worth the work.
What discipline do you need to work on today? Push in, take the risk and have faith that God’s transformative work will lead you to His abundant life!

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