Chosen and Dearly Loved

Today, our truth comes from 1 Thessalonians 1:4:  “For we know sisters, loved by God, that He has chosen you.”  The truth is beautiful and amazing:  you are chosen by God and dearly loved.  You were hand picked to be God’s daughter, and you were hand picked in love.

I have two adopted sisters whom our family chose to bring into our home.  We loved them, delighted in them and welcomed them as full members of our family.  One of my adopted sisters used to taunt me saying that she was chosen by our parents while they were stuck with me.  Those words did not hurt me as my sister intended for them to do; instead, I look back and rejoice that she knew that she was indeed a gift to our family, chosen to be among us.  God has done the same for you and so much more. He not only chose you to be His beloved daughter but equips you with all that you need in this life, seals you with His Holy Spirit assuring you of His continued presence and prepares a great inheritance for you.
Can we chose this day to live as His beloved, recognizing that we haven’t earned His love but that we were chosen to be His own.  You were made for this kind of love and will never be content without it.  Embrace the gift!

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