
Since my life totally changed in August, I decided it was time to try all things new. One of those new things was a different form of exercise. By God’s grace, I ended up at Big Power Yoga in Memorial. I love it — love the community, love the teachers, love getting hugs on the way to class (Gayatri), love the workouts (though I am almost always sore). I can honestly say that yoga has become part of my healing journey. I have learned so much about myself, my body and how to breath through challenges. Yoga has helped me grieve honestly and intentionally.

One of the amazing teachers, Nancy Perry, said something quite profound in class today: “This practice is designed to teach you to stop overriding your body with your mind.” I couldn’t help but think of my earlier posting about hope and perseverance.

Perseverance is good; it is necessary; however, sometimes we have to listen to our bodies, to our spirits, to our broken hearts and slow down or even stop. Life for me has been about pushing through — pushing past the pain in body, mind and spirit. In His mercy, God designed us with the capacity to survive. The problem is that the very means of our survival can become the very things that rob us of life.

Healing for me has come as I have learned to listen to the pain and stopped trying to forge ahead without acknowledgment. Feeling the pain is scary. Pain takes us places where we feel out of control and uncertain. The promise of God is that His truth sets us free. Entering into truth leads to a greater experience of God himself and a better relationship with ourselves and others.

I am so thankful that I am learning to stop overriding my body with my mind. It is still my natural go to but with intentionality, I am getting better. Friends, we need a resting place. In yoga, that is child’s pose. It is humbling to go there, but sometimes it is the only place where one can get much needed rest and restoration.

Persevere with HOPE but don’t override your body with your mind. God designed these two to work in sync with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

And thank you to Amy Bruce who introduced me to Holy Yoga. I am had NO idea where God was going to take me after that, yet I am so grateful for the blessed start!

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